Selasa, 04 Januari 2011



                                                Devi Anggraini     : 1034030012
                                                Erma Yanti          : 1034030098
                                                Gusti Anggraini    : 0734031494
                                                Herin Karina        : 1034030076
                                                Meliza                  : 10340300
                                                Siswanto              : 1034030080



Praise the authors say the presence of God Almighty, who has delegated his mercy so as I can finish this paper on time. Greetings Shalawat and hopefully remain devoted to our master the Prophet Muhammad, his companions and followers of all the faithful until the end of time. Amen.

English is the language of the world. In modern times if we do not know English then we will be out of date, because at the time of the modern and sophisticated this time all the technology that is not separated from the elements in English.

There was no ivory that is not cracked. The author realizes that in the preparation of this paper is still a lot lacking, therefore the authors expect criticism and constructive suggestions from readers all for improvements in the future.

Finally, the authors hope that this paper can be useful for writers and readers in general, and to increase vocabulary knowledge, especially in the fields of language, especially English.

Bengkulu, December 2010


Simple Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang akan terjadi/dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang, simple future tense pada umunya menggunakan kata keterangan waktu seperti :
Tomorrow     (Besok)                                    Next week       (Pekan depan)
Tonight         (Nanti malam)                           Next month     (Bulan depan)
Later             (Nanti)                                     Next year        (Tahun depan)
Soon              (Segera)                                   Next time        (Lain kali)
Immediately  (Segera)                                   Next Friday     (Hari jum’at depan)
Someday       (Suatu hari)                               Next Monday  (Hari senin depan)
In the future  (di masa mendatang)                 Next Sunday    (Hari minggu depan)

Berikut adalah 5 kategori penggunaan Simple Future Tense, yaitu:
1.      Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang diprediksi akan terjadi/dilakukan. Contoh:
·        According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow. (Menurut ramalan cuaca, besok akan hujan).
·        None of us have done the homework the teacher told us to do. He will be very disappointed when he finds out.
·        Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. I think Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend, will come too.
·        I will probably see Janet at the cafeteria at lunch
·        The damage we do to our forest today will result in severe catastrophes sooner or later in the future.

2.      Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang direncanakan akan terjadi/dilakukan. Jika aktivitas yang akan dilakukan telah direncanakan/diniatkan sebelumnya, gunakan pola yang kedua atau ketiga. Contoh:
·      Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight.
·      He has an appointment. He is going to meet his business partner at noon.
·      I am going to go to the shopping mall. Do you want to go with me?
·      The next world cup championship is going to be held in South Africa in 2010.
·      He is going to leave for Bali tomorrow morning.

3.      Untuk menyatakan kesudian/kesanggupan melakukan sesuatu. Contohnya :
·        Why don’t you ask John? He will happily help you do your homework.
·        She will voluntarily teach us how to write in English well.
·        Let’s go to the canteen. I will treat you. (Saya akan traktir kamu).
·        You look thirsty. I will get a glass of water for you.
·        I will open the door for you.

4.      Untuk membuat main clause pengandaian yang bersifat hipotesa (hypothetical conditional); Artinya, apa yang akan terjadi pada main clause, tergantung pada apa yang terjadi pada anak kalimat (sub-clause) dari kalimat pengandaian tersebut.
·        If she comes tonight, I will not go out. (Jika dia datang malam ini, saya tidak akan keluar rumah).
·        If you study hard, your English will steadily improve. (Jika kamu belajar keras, bahasa Inggris kamu akan terus meningkat).
·        If we succeed, our parents will be very proud of us. (Jika kita sukses, orang-orang tua kita akan sangat bangga dengan kita).
·        If you apply fertilizers optimally, the crop yields will increase. (Jika kamu mengaplikasikan pupuk secara optimal, hasil-hasil tanaman akan meningkat).
·        If pests are controlled properly, there will be no failure in crop production. (Jika hama-hama dikendalikan secara tepat, tidak akan ada kegagalan dalam produksi tanaman).

5.      Untuk membuat request dan command lebih formal atau lebih sopan. Contoh:
·        Will you take care of my plants while I am gone, please! (Tolong rawat tanaman-tanaman saya selama saya pergi!).
·        Will you return my book tomorrow, please! I need to study it for the exam. (Tolong kembalikan buku saya besok. Saya perlu mempelajari untuk (mempersiapkan diri) ujian).
·        Will you give me some sugar, please! (Tolong beri saya sedikit gula).
·        Will you pick up the phone, please! (Tolong angkat telponnya).
·        Will you go out with me tonight, please! (Pergilah kencan dengan saya malam ini).

Modifier of time (keterangan waktu) yang umum digunakan pada Simple Future Tense dapat berupa:
·        Singgle word : tomorrow (besok), soon (segera), tonight (nanti malam). Note: Tonight bermakna future time jika pada saat mengekspresikan suatu kejadian/aktivitas belum malam (i.e. baru jam 5 sore, 2 sore, atau masih 10 pagi ect). Tetapi jika misalnya pada jam 8 malam anda sedang berduaan dengan pacar, tonight berarti malam ini (i.e. bermakna now). I am with my boy-/girlfriend tonight. I am so happy. Tonight is one of my greatest nights in my whole life.
·        Phrase : next week (minggu depan), next month (bulan depan), next year (tahun depan), etc.
·        Clause : when she arrives, if the rain falls tomorrow, etc. Remember: clause (i.e. adverbial clause) untuk simple future tense selalu dalam present tense. Jangan dinyatakan dalam future tense. INCORRECT jika when she will arrive; if the rain will fall tomorrow.
Untuk kalimat negatif dalam Simple Future Tense, kita masukkan tidak antara kata kerja bantu dan kata kerja utama. Untuk kalimat pertanyaan, kita menukar subyek dan kata kerja bantu. Lihatlah contoh kalimat berikut :

auxiliary verb

main verb


the door.

before me.
at school tomorrow.

on time?


C.     Bentuk Kalimat
Ø  Kalimat Nominal
Kalimat Nominal adalah kalimat yang berpredikat bukan kata kerja, melainkan berjenis kata benda, kata sifat, kata bilangan, kata ganti, atau kata keterangan.
(+) Subject          + Will/Shall        +  be  + Complement.
(-)  Subject          + Will/Shall Not                +  be  + Complement.
(?) Will/Shall     + Subject             +  be  + Complement?

Keterangan :
·        Will            digunakan untuk Semua Subject
·        Shall          digunakan untuk Subject We dan I
·        Will Not    bisa disingkat Won’t
·        Shall Not bisa disingkat Shan’t

                             EXAMPLE :


Example Sentences
Ayu will be a teacher

Ayu will not be a teacher

Will Ayu be a teacher?

You will be a doctor.

You will not be a doctor.

Will you be a doctor?

I Shall be a lawyer.

I shall not be a lawyer.

Shall I be a lawyer?

I shall be in class tomorrow.

I shall not be in class tomorrow.

Shall I be in class tomorrow?

Linda will be in there tonight.

Linda will not be in there tonight.

Will Linda be in there tonight?

Ø  Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat Verbal adalah kalimat yang berpredikat kata kerja (verb).
(+) Subject          + Will/Shall        +  Verb 1  + Complement.
(-)  Subject          + Will/Shall Not                +  Verb 1  + Complement.
(?) Will/Shall     + Subject             +  Verb 1  + Complement?

                                    EXAMPLE :


Example Sentences
Ayu will go to market tomorrow.

Ayu will not go to market tomorrow.

Will Ayu go to market tomorrow?

She will come here next Sunday.

She will not come here next Sunday.

Will she come here next Sunday?

You will arrive on time.

You will not arrive on time.

Will you arrive on time?

I will come to class tomorrow.

I will not come to class tomorrow.

Will I come to class tomorrow?

Linda will learn in there tonight.

Linda will not learn in there tonight.

Will Linda learn in there tonight?


A.     Put the following into future tense
Example :
                        I never believe you
                        I shall believe you

1.      I must read more books.
2.      You don’t understand the lesson.
3.      The servant cleans the room.

B.     Put the bracketed verbs into the future tense
Examle :
                        I (type) the letter.
                        I will type the letter, atau I shall type the letter.

1.      We (visit) them tomorrow night.
2.      My sister (buy) a new book next week.
3.      If you explain it clearly I (understand).

C.     Put the following sentences into interrogative form
Example :
                        We shall continue our journey.
                        Shall we continue our journey?

1.      You will be succesful if you study hard.
2.      The baby will cry it it’s hungry.
3.      We shall solve our problem.


Purnomo Wahyu. 2005. English Grammar and Everyday Conversation.
       Surabaya : Amelia Surabaya

Internet :

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